Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Review: Popeye # 7

This issue is written and drawn by Roger Langridge.  His art is something of a cross between Bud Sagendorf and Bill Zaboly, if a bit more primitive.  The story is a western-action-mystery that brings back Olive's first boyfriend, Ham Gravy. He's now an ostrich rancher, and developed incredible strength through the Charles Adenoid exercise program.  Ham's ostriches have been disappearing, and they discover the culprit is the Desert Yeti (played by this issue's special guest star, Michelle Obama).  The story's centerpiece is a fistfight between Popeye and Ham. They then team up to take down the Yeti.  The story is amusing with an abundance of dialogue, but as typical of Langridge, no real bust out laughing moments.

This issue has a second story featuring Sappo and Watasnozzle that is likewise amusing and typical of the Sappo-Watasnozzle back up features.  This issue earns a C+.

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