Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Bill Murray... Trad?

Since this is Advent, I thought I'd share an excerpt from an interesting interview with actor Bill Murray.  Apparently, a practicing Catholic (his sister is a nun), he prefers the Extraordinary Form Mass and dislikes modern pop style liturgical music, preferring chant.

You don’t need to ask if his faith is important to him. He talks about how 19th-century candidates risk not getting canonised because the church is keen to push ahead with the likes of John Paul II and Mother Teresa. “I think they’re just trying to get current and hot,” he smiles.

One new saint he does approve of is Pope John XXIII (who died in 1963). “I’ll buy that one, he’s my guy; an extraordinary joyous Florentine who changed the order. I’m not sure all those changes were right. I tend to disagree with what they call the new mass. I think we lost something by losing the Latin. Now if you go to a Catholic mass even just in Harlem it can be in Spanish, it can be in Ethiopian, it can be in any number of languages. The shape of it, the pictures, are the same but the words aren’t the same.”

Isn’t it good for people to understand it? “I guess,” he says, shaking his head. “But there’s a vibration to those words. If you’ve been in the business long enough you know what they mean anyway. And I really miss the music – the power of it, y’know? Yikes! Sacred music has an affect on your brain.” Instead, he says, we get “folk songs … top 40 stuff … oh, brother….”

 Jimmy Fallon has also recently lamented how the Church establishment is attempting to make the Mass more pop-culture entertainment with social worker values, and less a religious sacremental worship.

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