Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Review: Superman '78 #2

This issue picks up with Luthor, fresh out of jail, trying to get a job at Kord Industries, only to be offered a job in the cafeteria. Crestfallen and grumbling (can just imagine Gene Hackman's voice), he returns to his small, dumpy apartment, where Superman is waiting for him. He asks Luthor to help him with the disembodied head of Brainiac's robot scout. Back at the Planet bullpen, Clark tries to ask Lois out, only to be brushed off.  He "overhears" that there is a signal coming from deep space.  Back at Luthor's laboratory, he is able to reactivate the robot scout to receive a message that Brainiac has arrived.  Brainiac sends out dozens of his robots to capture Superman.  He threatens to obliterate humanity in order to cage Superman.  Just as Luthor arrives at the scene, Superman surrenders to Brainiac to spare humanity.

As with the previous issue, the script by Robert Venditti, is excellent, and continues to capture the classic Superman film series tone perfectly. Wilfordo Torres turns in very good artwork, if slightly on the cartoony side. It's interesting to see how polar opposite Superman '78 and Batman '89 are from each other, with Superman '78, so far, getting everything right, and Batman '89 getting everything wrong.  This issues earns another A.

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