Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Review: Superman '78 #6

The final issues picks up with the fight scene from the previous issue.  In perhaps this series' most un-movie like sequence, but a typical comic book trope, Superman and Brainaic trade off lots of exposition dialogue while fighting. Superman points out Brandon, er, pardon me, Brainiac uses science as a weapon to control people. But perhaps the best dialogue is as Superman seemingly defeats Brainiac, he screams "you are just a man!" to which Superman replies "I'm Superman."  After Brainaic's defeat, his ship starts to self destruct. Superman gathers up all the bottle cities. However with the destruction of the ship, Metropolis begins to fall back to earth, as Luthor observes from his hot air balloon. Superman flies around to the bottom of the city and struggles to guide it down safely.  Then there is a wrap up scene at the Daily Planet (featuring another Easter Egg from Superman III), and the story ends with Superman at his Fortress with the various bottle cities, telling his parents he will search for a way to free them.

I'm repeating myself from the previous issues, but writer Robert Venditti and artist Wilfredo Torres turned in an excellent mini-series that really captures the tone of the Christopher Reeve movies. This issue earns another A, giving it a clean sweep of A's, and the mini-series, or its upcoming collected hardcover edition, is strongly recommended. And I wouldn't mind seeing Venditti become a writer on one of the main Superman titles.

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