Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Review: Shazam #9

Issue 9 feels like a fill in issue, with no real connection to the previous issues.  And ironically, its one of the best issues so far in an otherwise underwhelming run.  Both the story, by Mark Waid, and art, by Emanuela Lupacchino, have a distinct, classic, 1970s-80s DC team up flavor. 

The Creeper is the special guest hero, and despite this, the Captain gets far more panel time than most of the previous issues, where those needless Flashpoint kids suck up all the spotlight.  

Jack Ryder, the Creeper's true identity, and a TV journalist, invites aspiring podcaster Billy Batson on his show.  Ryder has deduced Billy is the Captain and asks him to help on a case where the Shadow Thief has nefarious plans for a speeding passenger train. 

One of Waid's better efforts and the art is great, also. I hope we get more done-in-one team up issues like this.  I'd love to see the Captain team up with Plastic Man.  And a team up with Power Girl. This issue earns a B.

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