Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Review: Batman '89: Echoes #3

This issue opens on a session between Dr. Crane (clearly "played" by Jeff Goldblum) and Maynard ("played" by Martin Short).  Maynard brags about how he was a killing machine in the military.  Meanwhile Bruce and Drake have a secret meeting to discuss Bruce's next steps.  We also get a flashback as to how and why Bruce started this undercover mission.  Essentially, he was bored not being Batman for the last two years. Having picked up clues as to the Firefly in the newspapers, Bruce deduced the Firefly was connected to Hugo Strange.  Bruce went to find the Firefly, aka Robert Lowery, but Lowery went into an unreasonable panic at the sight of Batman, and killed himself.  Bruce went through the Firefly's diaries and manifestos, and decided to investigate by assuming Lowery's identity.  

Meanwhile Dr. Quinzel ("played" by Madonna) has been monitoring the asylum's security cameras, and wants footage of Lowery. Bruce, as Lowery, meets up with Maynard, who reveals his full name as Edward Nigel Maynard, aka E.Nig.Ma, as he gives Lowery a puzzle he made for him.

Later, at Police HQ, the security footage of Lowery is played on TV, and Barbara Gordon ("played" by ...possibly Winona Ryder?  Maybe Sean Young? Demi Moore? Kind of hard to tell) recognizes Robert Lowery is really Bruce Wayne.  She is about to go to Wayne Manor to confront Alfred about this, but is intercepted by a pair of FBI agents who arrest her regarding a mysterious bank account.

Meanwhile, Lowery is brought in to Dr. Crane's office and is told about footage of him airing on TV.  Crane suspects Lowery isn't who he says he is, and uses fear gas on him to get him to confess.  Lowery admits 'I'm Batman".  But Crane doesn't believe him.

A lot of story packed into this issue, and well done by both writer Sam Hamm and artist Joe Quinones.  This issue earns another B+

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